Unterholz 50ml
Unter dem niedrigen Wachstum auf dem Boden eines Waldes mit Setzlingen, Setzlingen, kleineren Pflanzen und abgefallenen Blättern liegt eine mysteriöse Welt, die die Weisheit von Milliarden Jahren in sich trägt. Dieses Parfum ist eine Einladung, unter die Oberfläche des Unterholzes zu blicken. Ein Symbol für alles Unsichtbare, das uralte Bindungen bildet und den Boden erzeugt, der uns Leben gibt.
Ein vielschichtiger Duft, dick mit Moosen und Harzen, umhüllt von erdigem
Patschuli und Vetiver, gemildert durch Lavendel Absolue, Tonka und pudrige Iriswurzel.
violettes Blatt
Lavendel absolut
dunkles Patschuli
Eichenmoos Absolue
Full ingredient list (INCI)
A little care for your precious scent
"I often feel like Lingua Planta’s scents are made with so much heart, as if each perfume is a small meditation. Spraying on Understory I can feel like being shepherded back to my own heart, the layers in the fragrance like a little reminder that we can always return, that we are not separate to the beating heart of nature. Thank you so much Merle for offering these little bits of connection, they are so deeply needed in today’s world." - D. van Slooten
"I was struck by the fragrance of Understory. Coming home. comforting and strong fragrance." - from the community
"What I love about Lingua Planta - the fact that the scents immediately take me to nature, with my bare feet on the moss!" - Hanna Segerkrantz
"I receive SO MANY compliments on your perfume. I usually wear Understory. Just now, in a chocolate shop, someone noticed the perfume even through the scent of chocolate." - Chiara @interestingintersections
"I wanted to let you know we have been getting the most amazing feedback about Understory. SO many people make a comment about how much they love the smell in our space and want to know more. Often it is the first thing they say when they walk in." - Hayling