Probengröße des Discovery Kits
Lernen Sie Lingua Planta mit unserem neuen Probenset kennen.
5 x 2 ml Parfüm-Sprühflaschen.
Enthält Defend, Repel, Attract, Henosis und unseren neusten Duft Understory. Beinhaltet auf Anfrage eine kleine Probe von Sacred Sun.
Anlocken: Bienen und Schmetterlinge begegnen einer bulgarischen Rose. Attract basiert auf der Art und Weise, wie Blumen Bestäuber mit ihren blumigen Duftmolekülen anlocken. Ein rosig-frischer Duft führt Sie tief hinein in ein einfühlsames Verständnis der olfaktorischen Sprache der Pflanzen.
Repel: Angeregt durch den belebenden Duft von Vetiver, Bergamotte, Galbanharz und Zitrusölen, stellt man sich vor, im Frühling unter einem Zitronenbaum in einem sizilianischen Gemüsegarten zu sitzen. Verwenden Sie ein paar Sprühstöße auf Ihren Körper, um eine erhebende und erfrischende Wirkung zu erzielen.
Abwehren: Grüne abgebrochene Stämme, zertrampeltes Gras und sickernde Baumharze erinnern an einen Waldspaziergang. Zedernholz, der Geruch von frisch geschnittenem Gras, Eichenmoos und Adlerholz laden uns ein, über die regenerativen Aspekte eines Waldes nachzudenken. Dieses Parfüm erdet und hat eine angstlösende Wirkung.
Henosis: Ein kraftvoller, rauchiger Duft mit dem Geruch eines glimmenden Waldbrandes wird langsam in die beruhigende Energie von Zedernholz und Weihrauch gehüllt. Die wärmenden Dämpfe von harzigen Stoffen und Ambrettesamen wirken bekanntermaßen beruhigend auf den Menschen, Vetiver und Eichenmoos helfen uns, uns zu erden.
Understory: Wo es bei Attract, Repel und Defend um Pflanzen geht, die oberirdisch kommunizieren, geht es bei Understory um die Intelligenz, Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit zwischen Myzel und Bäumen. 🍃Übersetzt in ein tragbares Parfüm, das den Duft des Unterholzes nutzt; Moose, Kiefer, erdige Noten von Patchouli und Vetiver, gemildert durch Amyris, Tonka und Lavendel Absolue. Unser komplexester und vielschichtiger Duft.
A little care for your precious scents
"Oh my goodness.... these are gorgeous! Attract - I cannot stop smelling it! I feel embraced by a bed of roses. And Defend is unlike anything I've ever experienced and deeply connected with me emotionally. Really beautiful collection." - Linentutu
"My discovery kit arrived yesterday, and I started with Understory. I am truly amazed! I had the preconception that natural perfumes fade quickly, but I can still smell the scent! It's incredible how the layers resonate on a spiritual level as well. You've created such an incredibly beautiful product. I'm in awe and look forward to experiencing your other creations. Thank you for following your passion and bringing your mission and vision to life!" - Esther
"Recently, I ordered your Discovery Kit, and I’m so happy with it! As someone who always had allergic reactions to perfumes because of the fragrances and chemicals, I never thought I’d truly be able to enjoy a perfume. But thanks to you, I can now smell wonderful without any allergic reactions. Thank you for your beautiful work!" - Shantal
"I just received my first order from you and I must say I'm so impressed. The packaging is so awesome and your cute hand written message is really sweet. I'm really excited to explore the discovery kit and find my scent! Your perfumes are very unique and I wanted to say thank you." - from the community
"Lovely! From the set, Defend, Repel, and Attract are definitely my favorites!" - Mercedes Maria Englebert
"I love the subtle and discrete and natural aromas that remind me to breathe and look up to the skies and trees.. relaxing aromas that bring me back to the ‘here and now’ with a smile." - Margarita de la luz
"Very often, people ask me about the perfume I'm wearing. The next thing they often mention is how common perfumes can be overwhelming, even disturbing, especially in places like the office or public transport, and I am with them on that! And so it seems as though they truly appreciate the presence of one of your scents in their surroundings. (By the way, I'm a man, so what they're saying is most probably not just for an easy compliment). So, in a way, it's not just me who walks around with joy. Scents have always been pretty darn important to me, but I must say, risking to sound overly dramatic or even privileged, ever since I discovered Lingua Planta, my everyday experience of the Human condition has significantly improved. Does that make sense? :) Anyway, I'm very grateful for that. Thank you!" - Reciprocity Johnson
"Since discovering Merle's fragrances, language has become so much more than it already was. She doesn’t just speak the language of plants; she creates poetry with them. Attract was the first scent I experienced. It brings out the romantic Shakespeare in me: ‘Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: rough winds do shake the darling buds of May…’ I was instantly captivated and immensely curious about the other fragrances. A poem for every feeling I wish to evoke, enhance, or create. Repel is fresh and strong. Henosis is earthy and calming. Defend inspires contemplation and reflection. The limited edition ‘Sacred Sun’ takes me back to salty summer evenings… yep, I am utterly enchanted by Merle's 'Poetica Planta'; what an artist she is, with her gift for conveying so much feeling through nature." - from the community