Raumspray verteidigen
Grüne abgebrochene Stämme, zertrampeltes Gras und sickernde Baumharze erinnern an einen Waldspaziergang. Zedernholz,
Der Geruch von frisch geschnittenem Gras, Eichenmoos und Adlerholz lädt uns ein, über die regenerativen Aspekte eines Waldes nachzudenken. Dieses Hausspray erdet und wirkt angstlösend.
Schwarzer Pfeffer
Frisch geschnittenes Gras
Alle Pflanzen kommunizieren miteinander und
andere Arten, die Geruchsmoleküle verwenden.
Lingua Planta, die Sprache der Pflanzen.
Handverschnitten in einem kleinen Atelier in den Niederlanden mit allen natürlichen Dingen in unseren Köpfen, Herzen und Nasen.
Full ingredient list (INCI)
A little care for your precious scent
"The scents of Lingua Planta take you to another world. A world of desire, lightness, warmth, and longing. I became addicted to the Defend room spray, which crossed my path when I stayed in a fairytale forest house. In my own bedroom, this scent still brings back that memory for me. Through the Discovery Kit, I discovered all the other scents. I have been wearing the Henosis perfume for a while now and I continue to be amazed. I have never found a more beautiful scent. The language of the plants, especially for me." - Maria van Hattum
"It somehow reminds me of my future life, somewhere where I can hear the birds everyday." - Maia Ben
"Defend tells me that we belong to earth, it has this gravitas. Go deep and be one." - Naz Costante
"I was using defend to keep up my boundaries while having my heart open. The last few months have been very challenging and the scent was a great companion." - from the community
"Defend is a fabulous perfume. Once you've entered the world of natural fragrances, you'll never want to leave." - from the community
"For me, it feels so beautifully grounding." - Juliette Wermenbol
"It reminds me of the best places and moments I have been!" - from the community